Microenterprise Development | Community Economic Development
We journey with clients and communities providing business support and economic development
Kathleen Alexander
Kathleen has extensive experience in the corporate, community development, entrepreneurship and coaching sectors. Her background includes working across the the Asia Pacific region in marketing for international media organisations, starting and running several small businesses and individuals in making sustainable career changes.
Hilke Legenhausen, Nurture Our Nature Counselling, Point Cook, Victoria
Meet Hilke Legenhausen, the small business owner of Nurture our Nature, a counselling business based in Point Cook, Victoria. She began her counselling journey because she has always been curious about health and psychology. Through her business, she intends to provide a safe and supportive therapeutic environment to people who are suffering from stress, anxiety, depression, and other mental health problems.
Richard Belford
Richard is a Melbourne based business coach working with entrepreneurs planning for businesses success. He has worked extensively as an educator and career planner and is deeply rewarded when clients realise their potential.