Roma QLD | March 2019
What is your business? How long has the business been operating?
I have a cleaning business, Budjiti Cleaning Services. A little while ago I filled in for a contract cleaning job, but it was mis-advertised. A lady had the contract already. So I’ve been running this for only a couple of months.
What were you doing before you made contact with Many Rivers? What was your previous work experience?
I was cleaning for Lifeline, using their equipment. I spoke to my manager at the employment agency (RAPAD Employment) about cleaning and she mentioned that Gordon was coming and did I want to have a chat about anything. I knew there was a cleaning contract available, but needed insurance and that sort of thing. It was for the council. I needed to have my business set up to get this sort of work. So that’s when I got in touch with Many Rivers.
What services did you receive from Many Rivers? How did it help?
Gordon was excellent, the whole way through. Everything, He always keeps in contact and he’s just great. I got a loan through Many Rivers for the equipment. Gordon goes “you’ve done all the hard yards, now you just need a loan to get going.”
What did you find the most useful about the assistance from Many Rivers?
Gordon has been so good. It was only a small loan but it meant I could have my own clients, but just having Gordon there has been really supportive. Gordon has offered to help me in the future when the business grows too.
Do you have any current employees?
Next step will be to employ someone. If I get one of the contracts I’ll have to employ someone to help me.
What has been the biggest success to date?
Getting it up and running because I’ve got a business certificate with my name and logo. Next step is getting more advertising out there. I’ve done temporary flyers and business cards. I think the most amazing part was getting my business name registered officially. I travelled 200km to do my first bond clean. The real estate has property in Cunnamulla too, but I’ve set myself a radius because I see people advertising for cleaners in these other towns and bond cleans are big jobs.
What has been the biggest challenge to date?
There hasn’t been anything too hard yet. It takes me 13 hours for a bond clean. If I exceed that I’d have to bump up the funds. I’ve worked out that’s my timeframe and I’ve stuck to that. With contract cleaning, I’ve been getting advice about how to go about it. I’ll need to employ someone if I get a bigger contract.
What has been the biggest change for you/your family since you started your business?
My family is fully supportive of the business and everything. They’ve been helping me, doing things word of mouth to support me. I’m only just getting started, but it’s great knowing I can run this business.
What do you hope to achieve in the future?
I’m actually moving soon, just down the road through. The next step is getting my business contact details out. I’ve had lots of support so far, just from flyers and a Facebook page. I also want to get a 4WD car. At the moment I just have a little Rav4 and I have all my equipment in the back. Have to put the windows down to fit it all in! Some of the places I’m driving are dirt, not bitumen and a ute would handle it better. That’s in the future!