Meet the Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation (MTWAC)
Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation (MTWAC) celebrated its 9th year hosting Mannalargenna Day in 2023, with over 900 people in attendance. Mannalargenna Day is an annual event which commemorates the life of the revered Aboriginal warrior and clan-leader Mannalargenna, who many Tasmanian Aboriginal People can trace their lineage back to. The event is open to the public, of both Aboriginal and non- Aboriginal, with attendees travelling from across Australia and New Zealand to attend the day of celebrations. Throughout the day attendees reconnect with ancestral land, attend talks on current issues, enjoy traditional dances and participate in traditional MTWAC activities.
“It’s an opportunity for us to showcase our culture to people, non- Aboriginal and Aboriginal. We have cultural activities occurring throughout the day, men’s and women’s activities, yarning, spear making and watercraft making. Gives the chance for non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal to do things together in a safe inclusive environment.” – Nick Cameron (Chair), MTWAC
Community Aspirations
- Develop an Indigenous Protected Area and have the Mussleroe property returned back to the Community.
- Expand the ranger training program and current ranger pilot program into a fully operational Indigenous Ranger Program.
- Create employment opportunities on country for community members.
- Establish a cultural burning program and secure land and cultural management contracts.
“The presence of the rangers is important. It will have an impact on poaching and stopping 4-wheel drivers from destroying cultural sites, people will be more cautious.”
Economic Development Journey
Key business development stages that MTWAC went through include:
2008: MTWAC formed. Held first Mannalargenna Day, celebrating historical leader of Tebrakunna Country.
2018: Begun the planning process for the development of a 5 year strategic plan.
2019: Successfully secured state funding for Mannalargenna Day.
2022: Joined CED program
2022: Finalised 5-year strategic plan with help from Many Rivers and developed a longer term plan (2030 Plan). These strategic plans were a key input for a successful application to secure $300,000 through the Tasmanian Community Fund to deliver the ranger training program over two years. The Tebrakunna Rangers training program began with 14 trainees.
2023: Formally signed lease at Mannalargenna Day, which guarantees MTWAC access and management rights to 200 acres of land for 20 years.
2024: Junior Ranger program commenced, and the Ranger Program (pilot) expands with the employment of 3 Aboriginal Rangers. Two full-time operational staff appointed, a General Manager in early 2024 and an Executive Officer.
“We have a lot of people from the stolen generation who become members and want to reconnect to the community. Everything we do is for our younger people. We are trying to grow the operations to give opportunities for our younger people.”
“Eventually we would like those areas to be returned to Aboriginal community from crown land. First through a licencing agreement with the crown. Second, through a dedicated IPA to allow us to work in areas and undergo land management. Third, to get the land returned.” – Nick Cameron (Chair) of Melythina Tiakana Warrana Aboriginal Corporation
The future for MTWAC
MTWAC is partnering with local high schools to deliver a Junior Ranger Program, which aims to encourage Aboriginal youth to finish school and upskill them with land management skills. It also intends to establish infrastructure for land management and cultural activities at Tebrakunna, and expand the Ranger Program.
The organisation will continue to pursue commercial opportunities through cultural tourism, land management and cultural burning services.
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