Many Rivers’ Community Economic Development (CED) program supports regional and remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities that want to establish economic activity on their land. The communities we work with have plans to achieve real economic growth.
In the current environment communities are working through social, health and economic concerns. Many Rivers is here to assist communities as they manage their situations.
The guidance offered below is relevant to help manage through COVID-19 as well as being useful to support and strengthen community leadership overall:
1. Utilise Many Rivers technology support platform – stay connected with each other, your community and your stakeholders.
2. Actively manage your finances – assess your financial situation, including Income & Expenditure and balance sheet, and update your budget to help your organisation continue to sustain your community’s business activities and keep people in employment.
3. Learn what Commonwealth and State Government stimulus packages apply to your community – know what your community is eligible for and what you need to do to access support.
4. Inform your community and those who work with your community about what is happening – identify what is important for you to communicate and send structured and regular communication to your stakeholders (press releases) and community members (notices).
5. Keep your governance foundations strong – think through what you need to do as directors and how you can continue to lead and make decisions during these times to stay on track towards your goals.
The work we do at Many Rivers is part of an ongoing service available to regional and remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities.
We welcome community organisations interested in this information and broader CED support to contact Many Rivers. We are here to help.
This page will be continually updated, please check back or follow us to receive updates.